Hybrid lenten roses (Helleborus x hybridus) is a group of crosses between Helleborus orientalis and other Helleborus species. 'Red Hybrid' has reddish pink flowers and has proved quite hardy. It flowers from late April through May, the flowers can even last until June when the seed matures. It grows best in humus-rich, well drained soil in partial shade. A very nice variety.
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Asplenium er ættkvísl um 700 burknategunda í Aspleniaceae ættinni og er af flestum grasafræðingum talin eina ættkvísl ættarinnar. Þetta er breytileg ættkvísl með nokkrum undirflokkum, sem stundum eru flokkaðar sem sér ættkvíslir.
Gardening in Iceland
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