'Compact Blue' is a garden variety of viviparous sheep's-fescue that forms a dense, round mound of thin, gray-blue foliage. It grew in my garden for 2-3 years, flowered once, but a difficult winter killed it. I don't remember whether it was 2017-2018 or 2018-2019, but there were several more plants lost that winter. Viviparous sheep's-fescue doesn't tolerate shade or wet soil, it grows in well drained, sandy soil in open spaces where nothing casts a shade on it. It is native to Iceland. This variety needs the same conditions to thrive.
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Asplenium er ættkvísl um 700 burknategunda í Aspleniaceae ættinni og er af flestum grasafræðingum talin eina ættkvísl ættarinnar. Þetta er breytileg ættkvísl með nokkrum undirflokkum, sem stundum eru flokkaðar sem sér ættkvíslir.
Gardening in Iceland
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