Feather reed grass is a natural hybrid between two species native to Europe and Asia, C. arundinacea and C. epigejos. 'Karl Foerster' is a tall garden hybrid with green foliage and panicles of purple tinged flowers that turn golden tan as they mature. This variety is one of the most popular ornamental grass varieties in the world and has been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit. It seems hardy so far, my plant is still young and needs a few more years to reach mature height. It needs a sunny place and fertile, well drained soil.
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Asplenium er ættkvísl um 700 burknategunda í Aspleniaceae ættinni og er af flestum grasafræðingum talin eina ættkvísl ættarinnar. Þetta er breytileg ættkvísl með nokkrum undirflokkum, sem stundum eru flokkaðar sem sér ættkvíslir.
Gardening in Iceland
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